Paul is the Apostle for the Gentiles. Paul was given the Gospel by revelation of Jesus Christ (after His resurrection) over a 3 year time period in the desert. Our Gospel for today is from Jesus to Paul. This was a mystery and was never revealed before to anyone before Paul.
This Dispensation of the Gospel of the grace of God is called the Mystery and is found in the writings of the Apostle Paul in Romans through Philemon in the New Testament.
The only Gospel that saves today is Jesus Christ died and shed His blood on Calvary's Cross, was buried and rose again after three days and three nights according to the scriptures. Jesus paid for our past, present and future sins with his blood. Jesus took our place on that cross and paid our sin debt for us and did all the work.
To be saved we must believe that Jesus is God the Son and trust His blood alone to save our souls from hell. We cannot trust in anything else that we could do to be saved. JESUS PLUS NOTHING FOLKS!!! (Not making Jesus lord or turning from sins.)
During Jesus earthly ministry He primarily dealt with the Jews which were His chosen people. Jesus told the 12 go not unto the way of the Gentiles. Jesus came to be the Messiah for the jews and to set up the earthly kingdom as their King. The jews had to be baptized, follow the law, and believe Jesus was their Messaih to be saved.
The main thing to understand is that Jesus and the twelve Apostles preached to the jews only with the Kingdom gospel during that dispensation! Jesus only spoke to two non jews and the twelve (Peter) only spoke to Cornelius and his family.
In the New Testament: Matthew until Acts chapter 8, Jesus did not offer grace to the gentiles until The Risen Jesus gave Paul the gospel of grace by revelation.
The twelve apostles did not know Jesus was going to rise from the dead so they could not of been preaching the gospel of grace that Paul was given. Most church people are unaware of these two Gospel messages in two different dispensations. God was dealing with the jews with His earthly ministry according to prophesy. The Risen Jesus deals with the world now with the Mystery of the Gospel of Grace He gave to Paul! (which was never known before.)
Once you see the two different dispensations clearly, then you can see that we are only saved by grace through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. KJV Eph. 2:8+9. There is no law for us or works to be saved!
There is no water baptism, Sabbath or tithing like the Jews had to do. We do grace giving now, we have no water baptism and we go to church on any day. We need to understand that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith in Jesus Christ's blood alone.
Please read Galations 2:16 and all of Romans through Philemon over and over again where our Gospel of grace is found and that's where our direct marching orders are found for today.
Keep preaching and keep looking up Jesus is coming back!!!!!
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